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All Quiet on the Homefront
by Colin Pantall

"Nothing that can prepare you for the shock of becoming a parent; you kind of lose yourself," he says. “It drives you insane. But then you gain a new identity, only for that to die too, when yourealise they have their own lives to lead. Then you have to have another rebirth. I don’t think it’s always that comfortable. Sometimes you wish things were different. You wish your children away at times. You always wish them back.”- Colin Pantall

The book is part of a group of family-based works Pantall is working on, which include a German family album from the 1930s (Pantall’s mother is German), and Sofa Portraits, which pictures Isabel watching television on the same coffee-coloured settee, variously wide-eyed and somnolent.

In the piece it mentions the place I used to work at. Actually, it's officially my last day tomorrow, so I'll take this opportunity to thank everybody I worked with there, but in particular the students. I'll really miss you. You were an inspiration. Keep on making noise, get yours and others voices heard and keep on making great images. I'll look forward to seeing you in the outside world. And thank you for the summer leaving card. It makes a difference. — Diane Smythe

  • Signed Copy
  • 112 pp.
  • color illustrations
  • 7¾x9¾"